3 am! How can it be 3 am? I promised myself I would get to bed at a decent time tonight (or would that be last night?) so that I could get some work done tomorrow...(or today?). At least I was doing something productive, though...publishing my husband's latest short story on Smashwords and Amazon!
Yep, after writing aimlessly all these years, he has some stories out there. They're ebooks - free ebooks - mind you, and there's only 2, but it's such a huge start! I'm so proud of him (as I'm sure you could tell)! If you like to read, take a moment and check out his stories. Feel free to review them on Smashwords.com or Amazon (or both). I'd promise you cookies if you did, but that seems a little to much like bribery ;)
You can find Jon (and his books) online at:
Facebook, his Blog, Smashwords, and Goodreads
Click on the links to go to the download page for the ebooks (they're available in every e-reader form, along with pdf and other computer forms).
Firebug and
The Snow Owl